HiScout Software Offers Protection and Security

Opportunities and risks of digitalisation
The use of IT in the most sensitive areas of today’s society is both – a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, we are learning to master ever more complex contexts. On the other hand, as a result, new dangers – for society, for authorities and companies, but also for each and every one of us, are emerging. In the past, the resulting damage was mainly of financial nature. Today, the effects are more serious. If critical infrastructures are affected, life-threatening situations can arise, e.g. if the emergency department of a hospital is forced to come to a stand-still because essential systems are infected by malware.
New dangers in personal areas
Threats are also increasing in personal areas. The increasing networking of everyday objects in the Internet of Things (IoT) opens up new opportunities for attacks and makes it more difficult to identify the persons who are responsible. Video cameras are being connected to botnets without their owners realising it, in order to attack third-party websites remotely. It could soon be possible to manipulate the driver’s cardiac pacemaker by controlling the car.
Implementing legal regulations is difficult
It’s good that laws, standards and best practices exist, which prevent such occurrences from happening or make them less likely and limit their impact. As a rule, these guidelines not only contain numerous measures to be implemented, but also a process for prioritising them. The problem is that in practice, depending on the number of people and processes involved, the variety of technical components and locations and their interdependencies lead to a level of complexity that cannot be managed manually. Without suitable tools, it is no longer possible to manage these tasks.
Tools for daily work
This is exactly where we come in. With the HiScout GRC Suite, we provide those responsible for information security, emergency management and data protection in public authorities and companies with a tool that optimally supports them in their daily work. It identifies urgent needs for action and enables documentation that fulfils internal and external reporting requirements – making complexity and financial risks manageable.
Personal Data
Comply with data protection and take risks seriously – compliance with data protection in accordance with the EU-GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), is an essential basis for protecting our privacy and limits the ability of companies, political institutions and individuals to manipulate us politically and economically. The generosity with which people disclose personal information in digital media in the belief that they “have nothing to hide” shows that these risks are widely underestimated.
- HiScout Data Protection supports protection officers in the challenging task of complying with the Data Protection Regulation in all company activities dealing with personal data.
Security and IT infrastructure
Recognising dangers and minimising risks – company secrets must not fall into the wrong hands, loss and manipulation of financial data can put companies at financial risk; limited availability of data due to technical faults and malicious attacks can bring company processes to a standstill and restrict essential supply services.
- HiScout Basic Protection and HiScout ISM assist security officers in complying with the basic requirements of BSI guidelines and ISO standards. Higher security standards are created in a continuous improvement process. The protective measures are assessed in a risk-oriented manner in order to decide which measures are implemented first.
Emergency management
Take precautions and act safely in an emergency – emergencies can have their origin within the organisation or be caused by natural disasters and other external influences. If an emergency occurs despite precautions and protective measures, good preparation is essential. Damages that occur must be limited and legal requirements must be complied with. How can continued operations be ensured? How can the remaining resources be used in the best possible manner in this situation? These questions must be answered.
- Companies comply with the legal requirements and are optimally prepared for an emergency with the help of HiScout BCM.
All Data in One System
In an integrated management system for information security, data protection and emergency management, the organisational master data is only recorded once and then used on a shared-basis. This helps to create redundancy-free security concepts, procedure directories and emergency concepts.
- The data model and user interfaces of the HiScout Platform o are highly flexible and can be customised according to individual requirements, without any programming skills.
Face the future safely
We want to identify future challenges early on, and develop practical software solutions in dialogue with you, which you can adapt and enlarge independently. We want to help you make better use of synergies, e.g. in networked organisations and generic management systems. We are networking ever more closely with our customers and other industry experts so that our software solutions develop organically from the needs of the responsible specialists, as well as our users.
- You are secure for the future with a proven, expandable and connected GRC software.
Who we are
For over the past 15 years, we have been developing practice-oriented software that leverages synergies between various information security topics.
Über unsHow we work
Who wants to help shape the success of a growing and agile company and accomplish these goals together with us?
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